Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The BIG Snowstorm!

Snow so high it covered our hedges..

look at the snowdrifts!

We had a 14 inches 1 weekend then the following Thurs-Saturday we picked up another 16 inches. As you can see or hardly see the birdbath..

This is our deck..our dog can look right into the window to our kitchen

the minivan was stuck in the driveway. It took Bob over 4 hours to shovel the whole driveway. It was quite a project to get the van out.

Here's what is left of our picnic table! You can hardly see it with all the snow!

Here on our deck you can see it starting to build up..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the snow? It's spring already! Hasn't Natalie had a first birthday we can look at?

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's that? You have a comment.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still snow....

9:46 AM  

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