Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Trip to Vegas

We went to Vegas to visit Mari & Marianne. Here's some pics from Natalie's first real vacation and ride on an airplane!

Downing Family Pictures

Here's some family pictures with the wagon Dad re-did

Monday, August 11, 2008

Congrats Randy & Lydia!

Mommy's friends Randy & Lydia were married last week. They had an awesome wedding and road off into the sunset on Randy's atv. Congrats to them!

Thomas the Train Adventure!

I really love Thomas the Train! My mommy heard that he was coming to Lakeville and was giving train rides in his coach cars. We went on a 1/2 hour ride. They had other activities like pools filled with lots of bubbles, train sets, and legos that I could build with. I could have stayed all day, but Mommy made me leave so I could take a nap. (I think Mommy needed a nap too after all the playing!...Or should I say running after me!)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mommy's Little Model

Mommy's been practicing her photography and likes to use me as a model. I like it as she gives me treats! I just LOVE my dum dum suckers! My newest phrase is "I want to do dis!" I like to choose my sucker, take the paper off and then throw the paper away. I'm wearing my new overalls that Mommy got off of ebay!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We'd love to hear from you!!!

Please leave us a comment, so we know whose popping in to read Natalie's Blog! Michele's going to get more on the ball now that speech season is over. Check back often!

I'm Two!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!

I had my birthday party and had a great time! I got awesome presents! I didn't like when people sang happy birthday to me and I cried! I enjoyed eating cake and ice cream with my Grandma Downing. I got a new baby doll and love being a "mommy".

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Natalie's Easter Weekend Adventures

Mommy had the bright idea we should go to the Minnesota Zoo the day before Easter. She had free passes for that day that were expiring and they had farm babies there. So..we went to the zoo and it snowed the whole time. Mommy got quite the work out pushing the stoller through the snow. We found out there were a lot more people who were insane like mommy and wanted to go to the zoo in the snow! Here's a few other pictures of me playing outside at the farm on Easter. I LOVE being outside!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Funny Faces

I like to make funny faces!

Grandparents Day at Gymnastics

They had Grandparents Day at gymnastics. There was a snowstorm so Grandpa & Grandma Downing and Grandma & Grandpa Berg couldn't make it. We went and still had fun. We danced with jingle bells, went down the slide into the foam pit, dived into the foam pit and just ran around. They don't call it Tiny Twisters for nothing!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I love the fall time!

I love fall! I went for my first pony ride at the apple orchard. Mommy took some pictures of me picking out my pumpkins!

I'm gonna get you!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I love Halloween!

I just loved Halloween! I was a Koala Bear! I got a lot of good treats from our neighbors! Grandpa Berg came over that night and brought me a new toy! Its a singing dog. I love to play it over and over. Mommy wears ear plugs now.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Natalie's new room!

Mommy had my room decorated like a Princess! Isn't it just the bestest? Mommy's friends painted the room for her. She met them from working at the baby store Wiggles n Giggles. I just love my new room!